
How To Create A Website Using Seamonkey

Formatting and Editing Web Pages Using SeaMonkey

Knowledge of HTML Not Needed

Web pages are written and designed in a computer language called HTML, which stands for HyperText Markup Language. HTML can be difficult and intimidating for beginning users. The good news is, you don't have to learn HTML to create useful and attractive web pages! There are several good programs that work as WYSIWYG editors: What You See Is What You Get. You lay out your web page, insert graphics, and enter text on the screen, and the tool automatically generates the HTML for you.

If you already have WYSIWYG web page editor such as Microsoft Expression or FrontPage, or Adobe Dreamweaver or CS5, by all means you should learn to use it. On the other hand, if you don't already have such a tool, you can use SeaMonkey, a free, community-supported Internet tool that resembles Firefox. You can read about it at the SeaMonkey Project Page and the SeaMonkey Wikipedia article.

SeaMonkey works as a web browser, just like Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, or Safari. However, it also offers a web page editor that allows you to create and format web pages, a capability that the other web browsers don't offer. The best way to understand this capability is to try it out.

To download the tool, go to the SeaMonkey Download and Releases page. Find your computer platform (Windows, Mac, or Linux) and the desired language (English or any of 20 other languages), then click the download link and install the program.

Make Your First Web Page

  1. Start SeaMonkey by double-clicking the new SeaMonkey icon on your desktop.

    SeaMonkey is a web browser just like Internet Explorer or Firefox. You can see the usual command buttons for Back, Forward, and Reload, and so on, and the web address (URL) field.

    SeaMonkey Browser

  2. Using the pull-down menu, choose File > New > Composer Page.

    This opens a new SeaMonkey Composer window. This is not a browser, but a web page editing tool. You use it to edit a web page, in the same way that you use Microsoft Word to edit a document file. Some of the commands and icons are similar to what you see in Word and other editing programs.

    SeaMonkey Composer

  3. Click inside the big white box and type the title of your web page. Type another line, which will be the subtitle of your web page. Then type the first few line or two of your web page content.

    Select the first line and click the B icon to bold the text. Then choose Format > Size > X-Large to make the text extra large. Click the Align Text Centered icon to center the text horizontally on the page. Similarly make the subtitle centered horizontally on the page, and make the size Large.

    Composer with title lines

  4. Choose Format > Page Title and Properties. In the dialog box, enter a Title and a Description for your web page. You can optionally enter your name in the Author field. Click OK.

    Page                      Properties: Title and Description

  5. Choose File > Save As. In the dialog box, navigate to the folder or directory where you want to save your web page file. Enter a file name, which should end with the extension ".html". Click the Save button.
Congratulations! You've just created your first web page. Go to the folder containing your new web page and open the file. The web page appears in your default browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, or whatever you normally use). Note that your web page is not accessible on the Internet yet. Only you can see it. To make it available on the Internet, you need to publish it, which means to copy it to a directory located on a web server. We'll get to that later. First, you need to learn a little bit more about editing web pages.

Learn How to Edit Web Pages

In the SeaMonkey command menu, choose Help > Help Contents. This opens the SeaMonkey Help window. On the left side, click Creating Web Pages and then Starting a New Page. Here you'll find detailed instructions on creating, editing, linking, and publishing your web pages.

SeaMonkey Help Window

Read the following SeaMonkey Help topics:
  • Starting a New Page
  • Formatting Your Web Pages
  • Adding Tables to Your Web Page
  • Adding Images to Your Web Page
  • Setting Page Properties
  • Creating Links
As you read about each topic, experiment with your own web page. Try formatting the text, adding tables, adding images, setting the page properties, and creating links. Periodically click the Save icon to save your edited web page and the Browse icon to see how the page looks in the SeaMonkey web browser. Try viewing the web page in your usual browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, ...) because it might look slightly different. Don't be concerned about publishing yet; we'll get to that later. (Publishing means copying your web page from your computer to the directory on the web server.)

Adding Tables

You can add tables to your web page with the Table > Insert > Table command. You specify the number of rows, number of columns, table width, and border thickness. If you don't want your table to have any lines, set the border thickness to zero.

Tables are useful for organizing the layout of your web page. For example, at the bottom of this web page is a list of links: Intro, Web Page Alternatives, and so on. The links are inside the cells of a 7-by-1 table (7 columns, 1 row). When you resize the web browser window wider or narrower, the links remain neatly spaced across the page because the table is formatted to span 90 percent of the page width.

Note that you can put one table inside another table.

If you want your main text to have left and right margins, one way to do it is to create a 1-by-1 table and place all your content inside that table. Format the table width as a percentage of the page width, such as 90 percent, to get the desired amount of margin between the text and the page edges.

Adding Images

Most web pages have some images, such as photographs or graphics. You can insert images in JPEG, GIF, or PNG. For photos, use JPEG; for screen captures and most types of graphics, use GIF or PNG.

You insert images with the Insert > Image command. In the Image Properties dialog box, under the Dimensions tab, always use Actual Size rather than Custom Size. If your image file isn't already the correct size for your web page, edit the image first using a photo or graphics editor, as explained in my Editing Photos web page. This will ensure that you have photo and graphics files of reasonable size, which will load quickly when someone views your web page.

Creating Links

Most web pages have links (also known as hyperlinks), which are the blue underlined words that take you to another page when you click on them. To create a link, select the text that you want to be the link and then click Link icon. In the Link Properties dialog box, choose the link destination, which can be another web page, a place somewhere else in the same web page or a different web page, an image file, or a sound file.

When you link to another file in your local directory, in the Link Properties dialog box, always make sure the [x] URL is Relative to Page Location option is enabled. This ensure that after you copy your web pages to the directory on the web server, viewers who click on a link will look for the file on the web server, not on your hard disk. In other words, if the option is not enabled, the links might not work when you publish your web pages.

Editing HTML Directly

You can get the greatest power and flexibility by editing the HTML directly. To view the HTML for your web page, click the <HTML> Source button at the bottom of the SeaMonkey editor page. Editing HTML is beyond the scope of this document, but good information is available on the Internet, for example, at IronSpider Web Design Stuff.

Web Page Content and Google Ranking

Since you're planning to publish you web pages on the Internet, you probably would like to attract as many visistors as possible to generate sales for your business, to widely spread the information you're offering, or to earn advertising revenue from space on your web pages. Ideally, your web site should appear on the first page of a Google search for words related to your website topic. In other words, you want your website to receive a high ranking from Google, so it is among the first websites presented in search results.

To get a high ranking, first make sure that your page title accurately describes your website contents and contains the keywords you expect your viewers to search for. This is the title you set by choosing Format > Page Title and Properties. This title appears in the title bar at the top of the web browser when you view the web page. For example, if your web page is an advertisement for an automobile oil changing service, be sure that the title contains the phrase "Oil Change" and the name of your city.

Next, make sure that your web page provides useful, relevant, and helpful information about your topic. For example, for your oil change advertisement page, you could write a general-interest article about why it's important to change your oil often, how often to change it, types and brands of oil, and so on. The more useful and relevant information you provide, the higher the ranking you will receive.

Do not attempt to employ "tricks" that might artificially raise your ranking. Google is wise to tricks such as repeating keywords without purpose, setting up dummy pages with links to your site, or any similar techniques. Instead, concentrate on providing plenty of useful, quality information that users want to read. Include links to other highly ranked pages that similarly provide useful, relevant information.

The process of improving your ranking with Google and other search engines is called search engine optimization, often abbreviated SEO. An excellent source of information on this topic is SEO 101: How to Get Listed and Ranked Well in Google, a free website by Michael Bluejay. You could also hire a professional SEO specialist to work specifically on improving your website ranking. However, do not pay anyone or employ any paid SEO service until you have read Bluejay's website. At least 90% of what a professional SEO specialist can do for your website, you can do yourself at no cost by following Bluejay's free advice.

How To Create A Website Using Seamonkey


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